On This Day

1st August 1907 – Robert Baden-Powell opened the first experimental Scout camp on Brownsea Island. 20 scouts attended. 1908 – Lloyd George introduced the Old Age Pensions Act that provided between 1s. and 5s. a week to people over seventy. These pensions were only paid to citizens on incomes that were not over 12s.


1st August Yorkshire Day

On This Day

31st July 1498 – On his third voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus “discovered” the island of Trinidad. 1703 – Daniel Defoe was placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel. He had ruthlessly satirised the High Church Tories in a pamphlet, but allegedly, instead of throwing rotten veg and fruit at […]

On This Day

30th July 762 – Baghdad was founded. 1866 – New Orleans’s Democratic government ordered police to raid an integrated Republican Party meeting, killing 40 people and injuring 150. 1965 – US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Act of 1965 into law, establishing Medicare and Medicaid. 1975 – Jimmy Hoffa disappeared from the […]

News Round Up 255

STATISTICIANS in the UK have now confirmed what many of us thought….items we buy in the shops are getting smaller.

The Guardian says that the Official for National Statistics found out that 2,529 products they have tracked have decreased in size over the past five years. This include chocolate bars, cartons of drink, toilet rolls and other products.

Of the total number of products that have got smaller, 2,006 were food items and items that particularly stood out as having shrunk over recent years were bags of sweets, soft drinks, disposable nappies and toilet rolls.