The Archers – Culture Article


You may never have heard of them, but believe me when I say, The Archers are a British institution. Turn on your radio anytime from the 1950s onwards and “that music” would come on; “‘Dum tee tiddly dum tee dum tee dum tee …‘”. Yet this tale of ‘Country folk’ is all in the imagination, including the geography.  There is no Ambridge, no Borsetshire, no Woolpack pub etc. They simply don’t exist. It is all form the imagination of the writers, but they have been around for so long.  One of the characters,  Jill Archer, first appeared in the programme when I was a girl, and she is still going strong. Recently I saw the actress who plays her, Patricia Greene, being interviewed on television. All these years I had never even seen a picture, so she wasn’t at all as I had imagined her, and then she began to speak, and there she was: that gentle, slightly hesitant, caring voice I’d been hearing most of my life.

Let Your Hair Down – Culture Article

Today I spent ages preparing a pie chart for college. And when I say “ages” I mean  ages. I followed the text book, but at times it said ‘Ask Excel Help’ – if I tell you that the instructions take up pages 139-181 you will have some idea of how complicated this can be. It was boring and frustrating, and it wasn’t helped by the fact that my husband is trying to put on a new door for our wet room right next door.  Lunch tasted all the better when both jobs were done.

You Can’t Buy Time – Business English

No one could call me a clock watcher, but I seem to be surrounded by clocks, they are everywhere: one on the computer screen, another on the microwave, and the stove, as well as a wall clock, and one which is very decorative, but which is only correct twice a day as it stopped working long ago.  All this in only one room. Even our new washing machine has a clock so that you can set it ahead in order to make use of cheaper night time electricity.


A Professional Logo – Business English

How Important is it to Have A Professional Logo Designed for Your Business?


There are many things that contribute towards the success of a business. Having a good quality product doesn’t necessarily assure the success of a business. To build a long term impression on your customers, it is vital that you have a proper marketing strategy and something unique about your company. Here comes in the importance for having a custom logo design. 

What is a Logo – Business English


A logo (from the Greek λογότυπος = logotipos) is a graphic element, symbol, or icon of a trademark or brand.

A unique logo is often necessary to avoid confusion in the marketplace among clients, suppliers, users, affiliates, and the general public. Once a logo is designed, one of the most effective means for protecting it is through registration as a trademark, so that no unauthorised third parties can use it, or interfere with the owner’s use of it.