Viennese Waltz

Whirls and flicks her pearly dress to the music of the waltz dances merrily to ​capture fleeting moments of euphoria   glides with wings of obsession to touch the apex taps and turns with gentle moves towards the climax   throbbing heart creates a loud but rhythmic tune swaying souls gathering closer on the fleckerl […]


Humanity In the midst of chrysanthemums On the other side of blueFound I youWaiting like a puddleAfter summer rainTearsI had followed the limping childThin through not enoughIn the tall grassHalf a day walkingClutching curiosity YearsYou were sitting wrapped in desperation Unwashed yet cleansed Hungry yet fullA blind cobraEmpty of dignity FearsPeople passed you by in […]




Synaesthesiagrand perspectives

mingle in my mind

                     colours of perception

                     look similar yet apart

jagged ridges of thinking

cut the feet of curiosity

                    faded images of reality

                    jump into conclusion

before the intellect breaks

the threads of judgement

2017 ©Hifsa Ashraf

Dream of a Garden

    dream of a garden with vibrant clues yearn deeply, and passionately grow kindle every seed with a zealous glow awaken the soil to conceive the hues scent of flowers coalesce into breeze captivate tiny creatures to embrace nectar, and dust of petals with grace and melodies of warmth that please shadowy trees with […]