The BINGOs are at odds with the TUNGOs and the RINGOs over the NAMAs and the NAPAs. RFUK is concerned about what REDD is going to do to PAM. But at least the SIDS are keen on LULUCF.

With all the money to be made in the climate change arena, it was bound to attract a raft of abbreviations and acronyms to keep those in the know “in”, and the rest of us “out”.

To clarify:-

BINGOs = Business and Industry Non-Governmental Organisations
LULUCF is Land-use, Land-use Change and Forestry
NAMAs = Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
NAPAs = National Adaptation Programmes of Action
NGOs = Non-Government Organisations
PAM = Policies and Measures
REDD = Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
RFUK = Rain Forest Foundation in the UK
RINGOs = Research and Independent NGOs
SIDS = Small Island Developing States
TUNGOs = Trade Union NGOs