Today I had my flu jab. All unsuspecting I went to the doctors – I didn’t realise they inject it into a cheek – and I’m not talking about my face here.

Still, at least I shouldn’t get normal flu this year. And I am avoiding ducks and other wild fowl. I shan’t be stocking up on Tamiflu though, as far as I know the claims made for the drug have not been proven. In addition it will not prevent Bird Flu, it allegedly only reduces the severity of it.

Interestingly one of the drug’s active constituents is Star Anise. Star Anise was introduced into Europe in the 17th Century where it was used in baked goods and in the making of fruit jams. More famously it is one of the main flavourings of Pernod. Now there seems to be a world-wide shortage of Star Anise, but I’m ok I’ve got a jar on my shelf. However, I don’t think you can cook up your own Tamiflu recipe on the stove.

Prevention is always better than a cure and one of the best ways to avoid spreading the virus is to avoid shaking hands, Wash your hands regularly, don’t spit and use a disposable paper hanky.

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, as my old granny used to say.